Vancouver Parks Board- Notice of Demolition
You can find more information in the following article. PSCG members who live in the area have noted that they have received notice (from April 2024) that demolition will begin soon.
Project context and upcoming work (from Parks Board notice)
The vacant buildings at 1620, 1630 and 1670 W 5th Ave will be removed in preparation for construction of Burrard Slopes Park. The area outlined in red on the map below will remain closed during the removal work. Other amenities on this block are expected to remain open for the majority of the work.
The buildings have been deemed unfit for repurpose. Where possible, materials from the buildings will be reused to minimize demolition waste, in keeping with the City’s Green Demolition by-law and Zero Waste 2040.
A temporary wildflower meadow will be planted to remediate the soil for the period between building removal and construction of the permanent park.

Urban Roots Plant Sale- May 27th 10am-6pm
Fiskars Garden Tool Liquidation Sale
BCCGC April Bulletin
The BC Council of Garden Clubs puts out a monhtly bulletin. The April bulletin can be found here as well as details on how to subscribe.
A note from current BCCGC president, Lynda Pasacreta:
Thank you for your support. I am honoured to be your president for the next two years. Our theme will continue to show the province of BC that gardeners are solving some of the climate change impacts through planting natives, growing their own food, improving soil and soil erosion, planting for pollinators, taking care of our urban forests and creating biodiversity through our gardening efforts. We have an amazing executive team that are energetic, wise, and love to support one another. I look forward to working with them and know that we have each other’s backs!Important to remember: 1. Add your events to the events calendar – through our tracking we see that people are visiting our website to see what events are on in communities throughout BC. 2. Make sure to pass on the newsletter to your own members. We quite often have members of clubs that are asking us to get on our email list for the newsletter which means they are not getting from the newsletter contact. More value added to your club for getting information from all over BC! 3. Register today if you want to see the Zoom presentation tomorrow – Gardening in Iceland. 1vicepresident@bcgardenclubs.com. And finally!Keep those amazing articles coming from all over BC. We love to see what you are doing to make a difference in the gardening world. Send your articles to newsletter@bcgardenclubs.com Lynda Pasacreta, President BCCGC (wow!) |

BC Council of Garden Clubs Spring AGM- Saturday April 1st
The BC Council of Garden Clubs Spring AGM will be happening Saturday,
April 1st from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Bonsor Recreation Complex in
Burnaby. Please see below for the delegates package and registration form.
The Council will be celebrating their 80th anniversary, so the
meeting will be a lot of fun! (There will be cake!!!)

Celebrating Gardening-Purple Flowers!
In case you missed our Zoom presentation of the many purple flowers/plants we received from members throughout BC, the recording of the presentation is now available to you on our website! Visit www.bcgardenclubs.com and scroll down on the homepage.
Thank you to everyone who sent in photos. We will continue to showcase some of the photos throughout the year in our monthly newsletters.
Stay tuned to our next Zoom get-together in March!

Kits Beach Clean Up- Sunday November 6th, 12-3 pm
Join us for another Kits Beach Clean up this November! Soccer Tots will have activities for the kids at our afterparty.
- Sunday, November 6th
- 12pm – 3pm (start and end at Kits Beach Coffee Cafe @ 1945 Cornwall Street)
- Afterparty 3pm (family friendly)
- Free Coffee obvi and nibbles
- Afterparty for big kids: Sponsored by Kits Beach Beer (first beer on us)
- Afterparty for kids: Fun Kids activities with Soccer Tots Coaching Team

The Lost Words a Spell Book- Electra Women’s Choir Concert
An upcoming performance by Elektra Women’s Choir for lovers of gardens and the natural world. The Lost Words: A Spell Book, features 10 composers and 20 new works based on this best-selling book by author Robert Macfarlane and artist Jackie Morris
Performed in Vancouver on Oct. 1 and 2 at Pacific Spirit United Church.

BC Council of Garden Clubs-Fall General Meeting: October 1, 2022
Registration Form for Fall General Meeting October 2022
Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Place: Bonsor Recreation Complex, 6550 Bonsor Ave, Burnaby
Buffet lunch
It would be appreciated if each club would donate one item for the draw. Thank you!
Please register EARLY by mail before September 15, 2022
(Space will be limited)
Registration in advance is $40.00 per person – including lunch and refreshments
Late Registration – $45.00 payment at the door will be accepted
No refunds after September 15, 2022
Attendee substitutions are acceptable
No telephone registration will be accepted
(In order to promote your club, please bring your club logo (8” x 11”) for your table as well
as any club literature for the information table.)
Registration form can be found on the BCCGC website
If you are interested in receiving the BCCGC newsletter you can subscribe on their website